
Equipment Pick Up- (Information in 'Details' section)

Wed, 12 Aug 2015
from 9:30am to 2:00pm

by Head Coach Josh Waybright
Posted: about 9 years ago
Visible to: public

Time zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Reminder: 2 days before
Ends: 02:00pm (duration is about 5 hours)

Equipment Pick Up:

NOTE: Even if you feel you have all your own equipment you still need to come by at your assigned time. Every Student/Athlete is required by School Policy to sign off their consent to using their own equipment. You also are required to wear our Practice Pants and Jersey’s to signify what Grade you’re going into.

9-10:00 AM-Seniors
10:00-11:30 AM-Juniors
11:30 AM-12:30 PM- Sophomores
12:30-2 PM- Freshmen

It’s important that you do your best to get here by the time that is allotted to you. We do have some pretty good Helmets and Shoulder Pads, as well as the rest of the required equipment the Program provides, that has to be worn, worn correctly, & worn to the regulation size, not only in the Games, but also in each practice. This is an important Rule Emphasis this Season & we agree that every young man should wear all their equipment when we have a ‘Full Pads’ practice (which we are limited to only two days a week of) to ensure that each young man is fully protected & so they get used to wearing the extra 10-12 pounds that you gain wearing all of the required equipment. Parents, we are asking for your support and help in this area & the players need to do their part as well, if you could help us reinforce the Practice/Game Day equipment policies it would be greatly appreciated. A lot of players dislike wearing certain pads in practice and it’s hard to blame them because they can be uncomfortable, but it is a standard that we should expect and need to meet. Creating a physically safe atmosphere that coincides with a positive learning environment is our number one priority as Coaches. It would be greatly appreciated for your support in this area. Thank You in advance.

We also need to let the Sophomores and Freshmen know that we do expect to have more than enough, up to date & of good quality, equipment to give these young men. We do try to put an emphasis on taking care of our equipment the best we can. We’re not perfect, but we try to be because the Program is responsible for paying for all equipment, except the Helmets and Shoulder Pads that I feel we are very lucky to get with the State’s past Educational Budget Cuts. We’re still trying to get back to where we use to be as a Program before the Cuts occurred, I believe 5 years ago. The 18% decline in youth & high school tackle football participation over the same time period has been a tremendous challenge financially as well for our Program. Obviously the more players in the Program, the more money we have the opportunity to raise. These two changes have also forced us to take a new approach. We do believe that we are on the right path and we have seen many improvements since January!! Once again any support we can get with Parents reminding their sons and the players reminding their teammates, that we need to do a good job of taking care of the equipment we have in our Program is going to make a positive difference. We have enough to provide every player and team, we just don’t have enough to replace these items. We appreciate your understanding and help. We don’t think that we’re asking for much, it’s pretty easy to take an extra 5-10 minutes a day by each player to ensure that all the field equipment, their personal locker, the football rooms, and their own equipment get cleaned off and put away in a orderly fashion. It’s always a little more pleasant to walk into a clean room on Campus! There’s more information to come!! Two days away from the start of the 2015 SPARTAN FOOTBALL SEASON!! It’s the best time of the year if you like Football!! And if you don’t feel that way, we do hope that this Season will change your opinion!! AND REMEMBER TO ALWAYS ROOT FOR THE SPARTANS!!!


Equipment Room at the Right Front Entrance of Boys Locker Room