
Game Schedule Information

Tue, 1 Sep 2015
from 8:32am to 7:32pm

by Head Coach Josh Waybright
Posted: about 9 years ago
Updated: about 9 years ago by Coach Waybright
Visible to: public

Time zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Reminder: 1 hour before
Ends: 07:32pm (duration is about 11 hours)

The Game Schedule was added last night. It should be in that Section of our App

Bus times will be inputted once information is provided to Staff.

Unfortunately, due to an opponent not honoring the 2 year CIF contract (both Schools get a Home Game) Varsity has 6 Away Games.

JV has 8 out of it’s 9 to10 games at Home. Freshmen due to a lack of 3 Teams from some of our Opponents was able to get 10 games. But 8 are on the Road. VS Capenteria they will Combine to make a Frosh/Soph Team. That game is before the Varsity game. Students are not allowed to play in 2 games in 1 day. The Varsity roster is yet to be determined for that game. Dependent on invdividual success on and off field as well as necessity to play in Varsity game.

