
by Head Coach Josh Waybright
Posted: about 9 years ago
Updated: about 9 years ago by Coach Waybright
Visible to: public

Time zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Reminder: 6 hours before
Ends: 01:20pm (duration is 20 minutes)

You are NOT allowed to leave 5th period until 1:00pm. If you don’t go to class you’ll be given a Truant. Do NOT ask the Teacher to leave early. Here’s a couple important reminders 1) you have to attend 3 periods in one School Day in order to practice or play, 2) if you miss practice during the Game Week, unfortunately you will not be able to play in the Game. The exceptions are: Family emergency with a note or voice message brought back with the details, a major Doctor appointment. Ex: surgery, MRI, Cast, etc. We only have 21 more days of Practice in pads, after that you won’t be able to put them on until next August. If you LOVE Football then you should be here every day with a positive attitude and your best effort. “PREPARATION, as a Team and Individual Player, occurs from Monday until Kickoff is when the outcome of the Game is determined”. How hard are you willing to work when the stands are EMPTY?

Here is the protocol:
1) Away game bus times are posted in the bulletin on Monday of each week.
2) You can find the Bulletin on the School Wedsite-
3) Leave lunch a few minutes early. Get to your 5th Period Class before the bell rings. If you’re only required to be their for 2 minutes then make sure you’re their.
4) Politely ask the Teacher what you’ll be missing that day. Ask about any other important information that you’ll need to know. Make sure to say Thank You. Nothing wrong with being nice!
5) Quietly get up and leave the Class. Do NOT disrupt the Learning Environment.
6) Quietly walk to the Locker Room. Make sure that if you see or hear a Teammate unable to follow these directions to remind him. The other classes on Campus should not have their Learning distracted by us.
7) Hopefully you’re already packed up and ready to go. Enter the Locker Room quietly and get outside and wait for the Coaches to take you on the bus. There are PE classes in session.
8) Double check your bag for all your stuff. If it’s a long trip feel free to bring Homework to work on during the ride home. By having your stuff organized the night before you limit the unecessary stress. Its important to stay calm and visualize yourself executing the play to the best of your ability. NO food or drink on the bus. You can bring stuff to eat when we arrive or for after. Cleats have to be off.
9) You are expected to be on your best behavior. Think of the Bus as a moving Classroom. Treat the Bus Driver with respect. If its a trip that we have to take the freeway to get their, then you may talk quietly until we enter into the freeway.Once we hit the freeway the talking should stop and your focus needs to move to what you need to do today to be at your best. The other Spartans with you on this Journey need to do the same. Best advice is to sit in a seat without a Teammate that you’re capable of talking with.
10) Represent with Class and Character. We should leave every School and Program with the Coach and Players saying they “Play the game the right way, HARD & FAST. They believe in each other, and they know how to be 6 second competitors.” The SPARTANS COME TO PLAY, SO WE BETTER SRRAP IT UP A LITTLE TIGHTER BECAUSE THEY’RE GOING TO PLAY 4 QUARTERS OF PHYSICAL FOOTBALL". This is a business trip. If you ever want to take a visit to where we go, then we can set up a field trip!! Today it’s about putting all of our hard work and preparation to use! GO SPARTANS!!


5150 Farna Abenue, Arcsdia, Ca,91006 RIO HONDO PREP HSrtunatrly