
Equipment Turn In & Exit Interviews

Tue, 10 Nov 2015
from 2:00pm to 3:30pm

by Head Coach Josh Waybright
Posted: almost 9 years ago
Visible to: public

Time zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada)
Reminder: 1 hour before
Ends: 03:30pm (duration is about 2 hours)

We will begin with the following Seniors today. Please make sure that you have all of the School’s Football Equipment (alphabetical order): Campos, Fitz, Cam, Humphrey, Keys, and Blake. The rest of you will be required to sit in the Stands or in the Boys Locker room until School ends and do your HW. Roll will be taken at the beginning and end of the period. Please do your best to make this an easy transition for all of us. We’re not looking forward to collecting your stinky and sweaty equipment as much as you’re not looking forward to sitting around and doing your HW, but there is no other option. So let’s get it done!!

Once we collect your gear we’re going to then be conducting Exit Interviews with just you and a few of the Coaches. It’s an opportunity for us to say Thank You, to help you move forward in whatever direction you plan on taking, and to allow you to have the opportunity to ask any questions or provide any feedback to make this a better place for all

If you are a multi-sport Athlete you have our support and we’ll be rooting for you! We do ask that on the day you’re required to meet that you show up. We don’t want to turn in a missing equipment list to the School and have them have to talk to you. Your Coaches will understand and we’ll do everything in our power to get you back to your new sport ASAP that same day.

If you’re a Senior or if you’re no longer going to play Football then please make an appointment with your Counselor to transfer into another class.

The End of the Season collection process usually takes 2-3 weeks. We want to ensure that every player gets the opportunity to sit down 1 on 1 with the Coaches and get the information we feel is important for them to continue striving to become the Best Person, the Best Student, and then the Best Football player they can be.

I want to once again say Thank You to all of you that supported and believed in the Program. It’s still very disappointing that we didn’t make the Playoffs, but this 2015 Football Program achieved some remarkable accomplishments at all 3 Levels. We will never define Success on our Win-Loss Record, on Record Book statistics, or how many scholarships our Program receives. We define Success as “Giving your very best effort while having a positive attitude, staying in the moment, enjoying where you are at & the people you’re working with towards achieving a common goal, and doing the best you can with what we have.” We are a Public High School Football Program that doesn’t have the same advantages as the Teams you see play on Saturday or Sunday. We take the young men on this Campus that are willing to play for the name on the front of their jersey before the name on the back and I truly believe that those who stay, continue to make the commitment to a very time demanding sport, and that want to improve doing it the Spartan Way will leave here after 2-4 years a better person and with a feeling of accomplishment. Not every young man can play this game, it takes a Special person. It also takes a lot of patience and time to just make it on the Varsity football team, let alone be a starter. From my perspective all 3 Levels practiced and played the last week of the Season just like the first week of the Season, they continued to improve and achieve success in many different areas that are ultimately more important in the game of life then in the game of Football. I was going to send this quote out last week. North’s Program had 1-2 losses total for all 3 levels. Our JVs were this close to beating them with only 16 players and it sounds like the Freshmen gave them a run for their money and that quite a few Spartans played their best games of the Season, so I guess the quote wasn’t necessary!. “You cannot choose to go back and make a brand new start, but you can make a resolve to start from now and MAKE A BRAND NEW ENDING!” It’s not where you start, it’s where you finish. And these young men finished A LOT better than they started! I can’t ask or expect anything more. It’s always amazed me what you can achieve in this world when you look for the solutions and the positives instead of blaming something, making an excuse, or complaining about things we can’t control. Many of these young men took this Can Do approach & the results speak for themselves. It’s hard to do when we live in such an opionated & negative society. That’s what makes me the proudest, to be able to Coach and Teach so many young men that believed in the Process, the Journey, and the Spartan Way!! We control our attitudes and we can use them to focus on all the good we have or focus negatively on all the challenges in our way that we rather complain about. There’s not a better feeling as a Coach to work with people that see the Glass as Half Full and that are willing to take on the toughest challenges that lie in our way. To all of you that never lost the faith and that stayed positive and believed in the Spartan Way I just want to say Thank You so much!! You’re positive energy is what helped us to keep going when things got tough!! AND REMEMBER TO ALWAYS ROOT FOR THE SPARTANS!!!